Fort Worth Police Ki!! A Guy Who F*red A Gun During A Home Standoff

A guy was reportedly sh*t by officers of the Fort Worth Police Department after the officers responded to a domestic disturbance on Saturday night.

According to the call log for the Fort Worth Police Department, a lady called the department on Saturday evening and reported that her husband was armed, which prompted a significant police presence at a home in the northwest part of the city.

After receiving a call from the woman reporting the domestic disturbance at approximately 7:20 p.m., police responded at the 2900 block of Northwest 21st Street to investigate the incident.

According to the call log, she stated that her husband was “seeing people” and that he had a handgun in his pocket when she called the police.

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At the scene, there were dozens of police officers as well as a SWAT squad.

During the standoff, the suspect reportedly f*red at authorities, which prompted the officers to return f*re, which resulted in the suspect being sh*t by the police.

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