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What is Planet Earth 3 Release Date? BBC Will Air the Third Season Premiere of Planet Earth

Planet Earth 3 Release Date

Planet Earth 3 Release Date

This weekend, the BBC will air the third season premiere of Planet Earth, a critically acclaimed documentary series.

The new season, filmed over the period of almost five years, has fascinating tales full of optimism and follows some of the world’s most spectacular animals.

The new series will be hosted by Sir David Attenborough, who promises to show viewers “how animals are adapting in extraordinary ways to survive the new challenges they face.”

When will Planet Earth III premiere, and what other changes can we anticipate? Keep reading to learn more.

Planet Earth 3 Release Date

Earlier this year, the BBC and BBC America confirmed that the series will premiere before the end of 2023. The exact length of time until the premiere remained unknown, and it was possible that American audiences would have to wait until January as they did for Frozen Planet II.

Planet Earth will finally air in the United States on BBC America and AMC+ on November 4 of this year, despite the fact that the BBC has shifted the majority of its flagship programming away from BBC America in favor of other, more popular streaming platforms.

The Plot of Planet Earth III?

Planet Earth III is an attempt to “look at the world through a new lens,” as narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

According to BBC, “pioneering filmmaking technology is used to reveal the greatest wonders of life on earth” in the new series.

The series will “transport viewers to spectacular unseen landscapes” by employing “lightweight drones, high-speed cameras, and remotely operated deep-sea submersibles,” from the depths of the ocean to scorching deserts.

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