Big Lots Credit Card Login: Customers won’t have to spend much time logging in to their Big Lots credit cards. Use your Big Lots credit card to take advantage of our special financing offers so you can get the things you want now and pay for them over time. There’s also no cost every year. Do you want to know more right now about the Big Lots credit card? If so, keep scrolling!
About The Big Lots Card
- You can get benefits that only members get.
- No fees every year.
- Both in-store and online, you can use your Big Lots credit card.
- You can easily pay for anything you buy at Big Lots over the course of 6 or 12 months with no interest (intro period).
- To be eligible for the six-month payment plan, you must make a purchase of $250 or more (made with your Big Lots credit card). If you want to pay for your purchase over 12 months, you must spend at least $750.
Reminder: If you don’t pay off your promotional plan balance by the end of the promotional term, you may have to pay up to 29.99% of the total amount of interest that has built up.
How To Login For A Big Lots Credit Card
- Go to the main page.
- You must click the Apply button in the header.
- Put in the information you need right away, like your Big Lots username and password.
- After you click Sign In, everything is done.
How To Sign Up For Big Lots Credit Card online
- On the Big Lots credit card site, click the button that says “Apply.”
- Type in the information needed.
- Click on Next (Remember to read all the points that are mentioned in the terms & conditions section).
- Now, all you have to do is click the button that says “Apply Now.”
How To Do When Forgot Password And User ID
Lost Your Password?
- Just follow these simple steps if you can’t remember your password:
- Click on the link that says “I forgot my password” under “Login.”
- Then, after entering the required information, such as the Account Number, the last four digits of your SSN, and your ZIP Code, click on Find My Account.
- After you’ve picked a new password, use it to log in.
Lost your user ID
Here’s how you can get back your User ID:
- Go to the I first didn’t remember my User ID.
- Enter your Account Number, the type of identity you have, the last four digits of your SSN, and your ZIP Code.
- Just click the Find My Account button.
Where To Pay Big Lots Credit Card
Here are a few ways you can get in touch with the bank.
You can mail the payment to Comenity Capital Bank’s address along with your remittance slip and a check or money order made out to them. Here is where it is:
The Bank of Commerce Capital
Columbus, OH 43218-3003, PO Box 183003
Write your Big Lots card account number on your check to make sure that your payment is put on your account right away.
Customer Service Hours
If you have questions or problems with your Big Lots credit card, call 888-566-4353. They don’t say what times they are open.
How to Pay a Credit Card From Big Lots?
- Go to the website for your Big Lots credit card and sign in with your credentials.
- By moving your mouse over the Payments option, you can choose View and Make Payments.
- From the list of options, choose to Pay Your Current Balance or Another Amount.
- Here, you can choose the day you want the payment to be made.
- In the right columns, you should put your bank’s routing number and checking number.
- Now just click “Submit,” and you’re done!
How to close a Big Lots credit card?
You can talk to the support staff if you want to close your Big Lots Credit Card. You can get help from them quickly. Don’t be afraid! Why do you want this account to be closed? Do you run into any problems when using this banking? Please tell the bank how to do this by calling them. They will think about themselves and still help you.
How To Pay By Phone For A Credit Card
If you don’t know how to pay your Big Lots credit card by phone, here’s a simple guide:
The first way is to call 888-566-4353 and talk to a customer service representative.
The agent will walk you through the steps of how to pay. Keep your account number, invoice number, social security number, and routing number handy for a smooth transaction. All you have to do is follow the instructions.
Method 2: To use this method, call the automated system at 888-566-4353. When asked, give the information about your payment card. After that, you’ll be asked to type in the amount you want to pay. After you enter the amount, you will be asked to confirm the payment.
How to Pay By Mail For A Credit Card
Follow these simple steps to send a check as payment:
- Along with your check or money order, get a pen or pencil. To finish the payment process, you need to do both of these things.
- Make sure that the payee on the check is Comenity Capital Bank.
- On the cheque, you should write your name, account number, and payment amount. Make sure all the information on the form is correct before you send it in.
- Send your money to Comenity Capital Bank, PO Box 183003, Columbus, Ohio 43218-3003.
- As soon as we get your payment, it will be processed and added to your online account. Even though Big Lots doesn’t have its own app for credit cards, you can pay your bill with the Comenity Capital bank app.
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