Texas City Police Report That A Bicyclist Was Killed In A Hit-and-run Accident

After a person riding a bicycle was killed in a hit-and-run crash in Texas City, all of the eastbound lanes of FM 1764 have been reopened.

According to the local police, the incident occurred after the driver fled the scene of the accident.

The collision took place shortly after 3:30 in the morning on Sunday along State Highway 3 and the Emmett F. Lowry Freeway.

There are not many details available at this time, but police have stated that an unidentified motorist struck a cyclist before fleeing the scene.

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During the investigation that was being conducted by the authorities, FM 1764 was silenced for several hours.

Anyone who may have information regarding what took place is encouraged to call the Texas City police at the following number: 409-643-5720.

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